Friday, December 6, 2013

End of the Week Wrap-Up

To begin this week, I looked up a tutorial on surfacing on SolidWorks. The instructions taught me by having me build a nozzle using different functions: those functions were lofted surfacing, swept surfacing, split line, knit surface, filled surface, planar surface, revolved surface, trim surface, and extruded surface. Although I am not a master at these different functions, I now have a basic understanding of them.

Near the end of the week, my next challenge was to find a way to make a pipe on SolidWorks that could bend, similar to the shape of a U. I reopened SolidWorks Routing for the first time in what seems a while, but quickly picked up on it again. Next week I plan on continuing this challenge, since what I have found so far is unsatisfactory.

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